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Product updates roundup: April - June 2024

  • 21 June 2024
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In case you missed it, here’s a recap of all the exciting new features from the last few months 🚢 Subscribe to product updates and announcements to stay in-the-know!

📞 New integration: KrispCall

With KrispCall, you can instantly obtain toll-free, local, mobile, and national phone numbers in over 100 countries, enabling immediate calling and texting capabilities. KrispCall’s integration with Front streamlines workflows by seamlessly logging phone calls, voicemails, and SMS messages within the Front interface. 


👀 Shared views now available on all the latest plans

Views create organized, structured ways of working and help teammates focus on high-priority conversations that meet certain criteria. Shared views enable admins to create a view and show it in selected teammates’ sidebars. Now admins on any of the latest plans have access to create shared views for their teammates.
Learn more about shared views


💯 CSAT survey customization

Now you can customize your CSAT surveys with your brand’s colors and logo. You can also edit the survey prompt and answer field text.

Learn more


🤖 Automatically hand off chatbot conversations to your team

With this update, you can automatically transition a chatbot conversation to an email thread with an agent. For inquiries that require further support, an agent can now easily pick up where the chatbot left off with context from the chatbot transcript.


🔀 Refreshing dynamic objects in rules

When using dynamic objects in rules, Front will now wait on those systems to answer before proceeding. This will ensure your dynamic objects are up-to-date with the most current data from your third party systems, ensuring your rules run accurately. 

Learn more.


🔗 Link conversations across channels

Now you can link conversations from different channels. For example, you can link an SMS message to an email or a chat message to a WhatsApp conversation. This allows you to keep track of related conversation follow-ups, even if they happen on separate channels.


✂️ Split conversations for conversation clarity and accuracy

Now you can automatically split conversations on non-email channels once the conversation has been inactive for a certain time period or manually split them.


🚛 New integration: Tai TMS

Integrate your Front account with Tai TMS to sync messages and associated attachments between the two systems. When Tai TMS receives messages from Front, it processes them using email automation workflows that can automatically build quotes, pickup requests, or create assignments to track shipments based on the content of the email.


💬 Power up Front Chat with AI Answers

Let AI instantly resolve chat inquiries based on your support content. Customers get faster resolutions and your team can focus on more complex issues that need their expertise. Read more about it here

➕ Easily create views and shared inboxes

Now you can create views and shared inboxes directly from the three-dot menu in your sidebar.


📱User experience enhancements for Front Chat, WhatsApp, SMS and more

We released UI and UX improvements for chat-like channels to give them the look and feel of more real-time messaging. These updates will better differentiate between inbound messages from customers, outbound messages from agents, and internal-only comments so your team can respond quickly and accurately.

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