Education & resources for all Front users

  • 13 September 2023
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 5
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Whether you’re just getting started with Front or are a seasoned pro, you’re bound to come across questions — even our own Front teammates learn new ways to use Front all the time! So, to ensure you have easy access to all the education and content we produce, here’s a roundup of them all. And of course, if you have any questions at all, post them here!

We recommend that you bookmark these links in your browser under a Front folder:

  1. 🌎 Front Community: You’re already here! Join fellow users in our community to chat about the product, learn what others are doing, read about updates, and submit your own feature ideas. 
  2. 🎓 Front Academy: Get all your Front knowledge through thoughtfully-crafted courses containing videos, GIFs, and quizzes, made for all skill levels to help you get the most out of Front. We highly recommend these learning paths:
    1. To set up Front: Take our Front Administrator Certification program to not only fully set up Front for your company, but also earn a certification while you’re at it! 
    2. Front for your daily work: Now that Front has been set up for your company, learn how to use it to increase your productivity and collaborate with your teammates.
  3. 📚 Help Center: We run a world-class help center — powered by Front’s own knowledge base product, no less — and you’ll find all the setup guides you can dream of here.
  4. ✏️ Live training: Need in-person support? We’ve got you covered. Join us for our recurring trainings where you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions live.
  5. ▶️ YouTube videos: Our YouTube playlist contains many tutorial videos to help you learn about Front. Click over to the main channel for even more content!
  6. 🗞️ Front Page: Do you also obsess over customer operations and relationships? Check out our blog, which covers topics to help build your business, from culture-building to productivity.
  7. 📎 Guides & recordings: Our website houses a library of e-books and webinar recordings. Check them out!
  8. 💾 Developer Portal: If you have developers in your company who want to build automations or integrations for Front, this is the place for you.

Happy learning! 🤓

5 replies

Does any of the links contain videos or interactivity to help understand Front better? 

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

@mmontgomery Yes! Front Academy is the destination to learn all about Front as both an admin setting up Front or an end-user learning to use Front for work. It has courses on all the foundational topics and will take you step-by-step through the content. There is a mix of videos and text 🤓


Thanks for all the resources !
I am currently going through Front’s Academy program to learn all the basics, i hope i get my certification !


All those resources have been lifesavers! Another thing that has really helped me is Front’s YouTube Channel, which features various product videos, customer stories, and webinars. 😍

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

@lina.le that’s a great callout and I’ve added our YouTube channel to the resource list in the original post 😀 
