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I’d like to be able to view tags that are applied in Front <> to be visible in HubSpot when viewing a contact and vice versa: if a tag is applied to a contact in HubSpot we’d like to see this in Front (e.g. customer segment).


For now, I’ve been able to create custom contact properties in Hubspot and we can now label accordingly there (e.g. apply multiple feature request labels to the same contact), however despite choosing the multi-select checkbox this doesn’t translate to Front: Front only seems able to offer the options as a single select dropdown list so we can't apply multiple Hubspot tags via Front.


What would be the best way to view the tags in both Front <> HubSpot?



Hi there! Cat here from the Front support team.

Front’s integration with HubSpot allows you to either display information from HS directly in the right-hand sidebar using the plugin (more like a “window” into HS), or to sync contact/account data to Front From HubSpot.

The sync does not currently support checkbox-type fields, I’m afraid!

I’m afraid I can’t think of a workaround for this, I’m sorry. If this is functionality that you would like to see implemented in the future, I would encourage you to submit a request for it at this link. Our Product team reviews and publishes ideas weekly to be viewed on this list, so keep an eye out for your request and other customer's reactions to it!

This feature submission form is linked to our Product Ideas Portal which is accessible to all users. When features are submitted, they are listed in the Ideas Portal and can be upvoted by other Front users who discover requests that can improve their team's workflows. You'll receive an email update if a feature that you submitted or upvoted is developed and shipped!

We appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you’re looking for — most of the improvements we make come from ideas and suggestions like yours, so thank you for reaching out.

