
Shifts + Round Robin Assignment

  • 22 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Badge +2

Does anyone use unique setups to mimic shifts by shared inbox? This is not currently available (idea submitted), only shifts by workspace. 

Our support team is scheduled on specific shared inboxes based on day of the week. Example:
Mon: Voicemail Inbox
Tues: Voicemail Inbox
Wed: Main Email Inbox
Thur: Main Email Inbox
Fri: Voicemail + Email Inboxes

We use teammate groups in round robin assignment rules, and add shifts based on reps working hours.

Reps are assigned to teammate groups based on the inboxes they are trained on (example using the above schedule, the associate would be assigned to teammate groups: Voicemail Reps, Main Inbox Reps).

The issue we have is that reps will receive assignments from the Voicemail Inbox and Main Inbox every day, vs only receiving Voicemail conversation assignments M/Tu and Email Wed/Th. 

The only workaround I have come across is creating a daily assignment rule per shared inbox which requires frequent updating, and overall is not scalable for our team. Does anyone else schedule their team in a similar way and have systems in place for it?

1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Hi Anna! I believe you could construct a rule to assign to teammate group based on day of the week. I’ve included an example of what that could look like below:

If you have additional questions or details to add, please reach out to our Support Team and they will gladly assist here!
