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Sales Best Practices

  • 15 November 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi Sales Leaders, 


Front has been an incredibly powerful tool for me and I’m such an advocate for all of it’s features. I’ve made tremendous strides with support teams, customer success teams, and internally but I’ve failed to find tangible ways that it’s impacted my sales teams. What ways have you used Front to help your sales team drive revenue, or optimize their processes? 


I’m finding this specifically difficult for my BD reps that are a bit more individualized and not a standard SDR or AE. 


2 replies


Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hi @ry_rael ! As I’ve used Front both as an SDR and AE I’m happy to share some ways to save time here:

  • staying in control of my interactions’ frequency with any customer: instead of forgetting about a conversation if you never hear again from your customer, being able to Snooze (even if it’s for a year later!) or apply SLAs to make sure nothing is being forgotten has helped a lot (I’m often hearing ‘thanks a lot for reminding me about this’)
  • The CRM integration keeps Forecast accurate: my pipeline is always up to date, because updating an opportunity is just one click away!
  • At the end of a quarter, prioritising is crucial and I’m using a combination of CRM sync and rules to flag messages from deals closest to the finish line
  • When a teammate is on vacation, they can delegate their inbox to me, and because I have all the context needed, I often close deals for them and they can completely enjoy their PTO knowing the work will be done!

These are just a few examples, I hope that helps!
(Also we have new features coming up that I’m really excited about, like linked conversations, introduced during Frontlines, to have related threads with other teams)
