
Require tag rule for large groups of tags

  • 15 December 2023
  • 3 replies


One of the rule features that I love is requiring a tag before an email can be moved or archived. However, I’m struggling with how to utilize this with a large number of tags.

Our company works with hundreds of schools, and routing emails to teams is partially based on the school that the email is regarding. We have rules set up to automatically tag emails with the relevant school tag, however there are times when an email needs to be manually tagged.

Since school tags are required to ensure messages are routed to the correct team, I want to set up a rule to require the school tag be added on an email before it can be moved. However, listing all of our 1,000+ school tags in the rule is not practical, and it’s difficult for team members to pick from when the list is that long.

We do have additional subsets of these tags based on where the school is located (ex. Canada, UK, etc) that are added automatically when one of the school tags is added. I had initially looked at using these tags instead within the rule, however this doesn’t work as the routing is based on the school tag, not the school location tag, and doesn’t solve the issue of the school tag being missing.

Any suggestions for how I can effectively require my team to add a school tag before moving an email with a large number of tags?

3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Hi Kerstin! Thanks for posting with all these details! As it turns out, the currently available option would be to add all tags you would like to use in Required Tagging. However, we do have an open feature request with our Product Team that you can vote on here!

Feel free to click the Vote button on the left-hand side of the feature request to tell our team how important this update would be for your team. You'll then be subscribed to receive email updates if a feature that you submitted or upvoted is developed and shipped! Exciting 🎊

Most of the improvements you see to Front come from ideas and suggestions like yours, so thank you for making Front even better!


Hi Kerstin!

I am new to the community here & I came across your post in my journey to re-orient myself with Front after taking a year long break. Prior to this past year, I was an avid user. I had a similar problem, I wanted to require certain tags based on certain factors.  I understand the problem of having 1000+ tags for your teams to search through. I don’t think this will necessarily relieve the headache around that, but perhaps it could help solve the problem of requiring a school tag.


Option 1: (perhaps not very sustainable): use rule sets. And import a CSV of all the school tags and the parent tag. You would have to update this list everytime a new school was added though, which likely isn’t the most sustainable option.


Create Rule > then convert to rule set > then add tags you want to require via a CSV import

When you try to archive email, it will reopen and assignee is notified w a message (the message is whatever you name your rule).
Searching for School/NameofSchool will pull up the name of the school. searching School/ will show all tags nested under school. Once the tag is added, they can successfully archive message.


Option 2: A bit more involved & I haven’t been able to verify it works as I don’t have access to the features needed (only avail in scale or premier plans), but if I recall correctly, I was able to use dynamic variables to pull out information about the tags on a convo.

So...using dynamic variables I believe you can look at what the parent tag is of a tag.  If the parent tag is not School, then that would mean the assignee needs to add a school tag. This method would also require you to nest all schools under a parent tag of School.

I’m sorry if this is more confusing than helpful. I feel like there are so many ways to do things in Front, which is a beautiful thing, but what might work for some, might not work for others. Also, I know they are always updating things. Either way, hopefully this was somewhat helpful! if you have any questions let me know!


Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Thanks for the helpful workarounds, @juliartam
