
Need Consulting Help for Front

  • Conversationalist
  • 2 replies

We are a small company and going above Starter plan would be huge overkill. Given that this plan does not include dedicated onboarding, I need to hire someone expert in Front for like an hour to just look at what we’re doing, what we’re trying to do, and give us advice on how to do it. We can do the grunt work, I just need someone who is really expert in the software to help guide us properly. I tried searching on Upwork, via various terms, and cannot find anyone with “Front” as a tag or in their profile. Thanks for your help trying to find a resource.

6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

@DKSci have you checked out our weekly office hours? I think perhaps attending a few of those might get all your questions answered, as it has for many of our customers. It’s typically a small group and we can get to everyone’s questions, and people often stick around to learn from others’ questions. This resource is already included in your plan! I encourage you to check it out to start -- sign up for as many sessions as you’d like here: 

Thanks. I would be open to this but would prefer quick assistance and am happy to pay for it. We need clarity, we’re being hurt right now by this issue.

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

I think you’ll find the community here to be quick to answer any question you have about methods and issues you’re having. If the Front way of doing things isn’t coming naturally to you, the Front Academy, especially the Front Certified Admin training path can bring you up to speed pretty fast. I’m curious what kinds of things are causing issues for you. I can probably help.

Thank you, @samsheridan. Our issues are really about workflow. We want to be able to assist each other in handling tickets, and/but we also want to have clear primarily responsible people WITHOUT assigning things which in our experience has then made the to-dos invisible to the other actors beyond the assigned person. Right now there is a lot of confusion, we are all jumping onto each others things but if we try to create clear workflow things get hidden in corners and we lose our redundancy and oversight. It’s frustrating.

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

@DKSci each user has a setting for which way they want their tabs to show. Everyone in my department prefers the Open view so that we can easily see all open support tickets in the same tab even if someone has been assigned already. That way we can effectively use assignments without making collaboration harder. As a company admin you should be able to switch this on behalf of your teammates and on certain other plans you would be able to set this in a user template for future users.



Userlevel 5
Badge +5

@samsheridan exactly what I would’ve suggested!

@DKSci using the Open view of the shared inbox allows the conversations to achieve both your goals: 1) assigned so there’s clear ownership and no one’s duplicating or stepping on each other’s toes 2) allow all the still-open conversations to be visible in one place, regardless of whether they’ve been assigned. The Open view prioritizes the completion status of the conversation, whereas the Assigned/Unassigned view prioritizes getting the assignment status. 

The admin feature that Sam mentioned where an admin can update this view for all users is explained here: How admins can manage teammate settings
