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Our current workflow has been designed so that emails are routed to a shared inbox based on custom account fields and then assigned back to the inbox owner. We often have email chains that have multiple recipients.

Example below:
3x users that are recipients + 2x users that are cc’d = Up to 5 copies of the email in the shared inbox

This has caused issues with merging and email assignment which has led to:
- People missing emails because they have been archived 
- Multiple internal threads across the different copies
- Half of the copies auto-merging and the others remaining seperate

Another thing to note is that email ‘assignee’ often changes as different people will respond within the same chain.

What workflow automations / changes could work to solve this?

Hi Jessie,

Cat here from the Front support team. Typically, if the same conversation is moved from multiple recipients’ individual inboxes, the copies would smart-merge into a single copy to reduce duplicates. There may be inbox settings active on some accounts which are preventing this.

If you’d like us to take a look at an example of this behaviour, please reach out to our team via with the details and we’ll take a closer look.

