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I wanted to share with you a certain automation we have done locally and also ask you if perhaps I am overengineering it and there is a better way to proceed.

What I don’t like about Front (and it is literally the only thing I genuinely consider inferior) is its notifications - for me the popup shows for too short and is sometimes hardly noticeable.

So what we did is we implemented an automation, that runs every 2 minutes checking recent Front comments and searches for “@-mentions” in them. Whenever it spots one, we connect to Webex via its own API and send a notification to a user corresponding to the Front user, letting him or her know that there is a message waiting. It works much, much better and I love that solution.

Now, perhaps there is something similar already in Front that I missed? I was looking for IFTTT integration, but failed to find it, so built our own ;) 

Hi there! Cat here from the Front support team 🌻


I know there are ways to configure the notification duration for Windows machines as outlined here:

However for MacOSX, I don’t think it’s possible to adjust the notification duration.

Regarding your solution, I think if it is working for you and your team then that’s awesome and I’m so glad they have you around to help engineer this to help them out.

That said, I know our Product team monitor posts in here, so I’m sure that your feedback on this will be taken into consideration as we continue to develop and improve Front. If you have any suggestions on ways we can consider handling this better in-app, we’d love to hear them in our Product Ideas Portal 💡

