
Custom Views and Tags

  • 29 November 2023
  • 1 reply


We work with custom views to divide inboxes because we don't have teammates for individual topics, but we have different teams for different areas. We sort these views using tags and corresponding rules. If we remove such a TAG, the conversation will, of course, immediately disappear from the view. It is then relatively difficult to find them again, e.g. to archive, reply or set another TAG.
Do you have any suggestions for solutions to this?



1 reply


Hi Nina,


Thanks for reaching out, Dean from Front's support team here 🤝


One suggestion for counteracting this issue would be to copy the conversation ID of the conversation prior to removing the tag. This can be done by following the below steps.

  • To get the conversation ID, navigate to the top of the screen and click on the three vertical dots next to the tag icon.
  • From there you should see the option to "Copy Conversation ID"

Once the tag is removed, and the conversation is no longer displayed in your view, you can then use our keyboard shortcut Shift + O. This will open the below prompt:



You can then paste the conversation ID into this prompt, and it will take you directly to the conversation. 

Does this seem like it will work for you here? 
