
Business Hours option not available

  • 3 November 2023
  • 3 replies

  • Conversationalist
  • 1 reply

Working on updating my companies Front account and settings as we transition to using Front Chat as well, and I noticed that I do not have the option for setting business hours as listed in the knowledge base.  I am a company and workspace admin, however the setting is just not there when I go into analytics or inbox settings.

Can someone point me in a direction I may be missing? Or is this a system issue of some kind.


3 replies

Hi Mark! Are you looking to add business hours at the workspace or inbox levels? If workspace level, you would need to be designated as a workspace admin and I don’t currently see that you are listed as one. I do see that you are a company admin, but you will still need workspace admin permissions. From there, you can follow these instructions to set your business hours! 

Hey Isaiah,

That’s interesting, because in my teammates list I am listed as a workspace admin.


Unless I'm looking in the wrong place for this?  I can ask another admin to check as well.

Hi Mark! Thanks for that screenshot. Very interesting that I’m seeing different on our end. Please let me know if another admin sees the same as you. Thanks! 
