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Hi There!

I am trying to se up a rule set using tags as a dynamic variable. However, it appears in the help documentation that there are codes for individual tags that I do not seem to be able to find. Does anyone know where to get these? Otherwise, my entire csv is useless as I need to select each tag manually anyway. 

This is the documentation I’m referring to:

Hey @cheryl_luft,


First, try importing your CSV just using the tag name and seeing if that works.


If that doesn’t work and you need the tag_ids, you can grab those from our API or just reach out to our support team and they’ll be able to send you a CSV of all your tags and their corresponding IDs.

Thank you, I wound up getting the tag ids from the support team. 

For anyone else who sees this, as of the time of me writing this, you cannot use the tag name when uploading, it does not work. 
