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I’ve noticed that the “compose with AI” spelling and grammar tool offered in Front is very inconsistent. It generally catches spelling errors, but the grammar and punctuation check leaves a lot to be desired. 

When it isn’t functioning, sometimes it will work if you highlight the content and then do the spell check. Though, sometimes even this trick doesn’t work.

With Grammarly no longer supporting Front integration, is there any advice out there? My work solely relies on the app and not web browsers for their emails. It would be awesome if Front were working to improve this.

Thanks so much for this feedback! We’re always looking to improve and we’ve forwarded these issues to our Engineering Team!

Hi there! For troubleshooting purposes, could you please reach out to us via our Support address with some specific conversation examples?

Our Engineering team would like to take a closer look. We’d just need the conversation ID for these examples as well as some examples of where this feature didn’t work as expected. To find the conversation ID in Front click on the ... at the top of the conversation (to the left of the tag icon) and click Copy Conversation ID.

