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As you have put a restriction in number of rules, I tried to create set of rules to reduce the unique rules.

Formatting options are available for unique rule as you can see below, but are not available for rule sets. I cannot organize properly auto comments in rule sets. Line break is not possible and all information are completely mixed.

Unique rule:


Rule set:



How can I arrange that? Have you planned any correction?



Bonjour Benjamin, 

This is Phoebe with the Front team. Thank you for your patience while our team looked into this. 

At the moment, line breaks are not available for theText column type in rule sets. 

As a workaround, markdown is supported so formatting the text like this will achieve the attached result: 
Pour cette commande, il faut suivre les instructions suivantes: **(1)** Organiser le rendez-vous dès que possible auprès du client, avec une date de livraison sous 5 jours **(2)** Attention à prévoir un délai d'au moins 48h pour que le parc soit prévenu de la mission **(3)** Si le client n'a toujours pas répondu au bout de 3 demi-journées et une tentative d'appel par demi-journée, il faut renvoyer le dossier à Arval Moyenne Durée et leur demander de s'en charger.


Re-bonjour Benjamin, 

I wanted to follow up to let you know that we’ve submitted a product idea submission on your behalf requesting the ability to use line breaks in the Text column type in a rule set. You can vote on it here:

Thank you for your help Phoebe! 

Best, Benjamin
