Currently when someone comments on our Facebook story with an emoji/reaction it gets picked up on our system and gets tagged as a “member problem”. We want our members to be able to message us with an issue and we’ve got trigger words that activate that. We can’t just turn off all Facebook messages/reactions as we need to reply to some of them.
This is where it gets tricky. We also have a rule where if the “Conversation Subject doesn’t contain: mentioned you on an; Commented on your; “ then add Member problems. We found this stops comments on Facebook posts flooding our views.
What we’re finding is when we put a post up on our story and it gets a reaction really quick. People are messaging in and it just floods the “member problems” view with these messages. We then have to manually go through and add a tag to separate the different types of messages.
Is there a way to separate a reaction/emoji from a genuine message?
Is there also a way to put messages in our Facebook Group into it’s own tag/view?
Hope this makes sense