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Dear Front Community,


When I export the contact list from the “Customer satisfaction” tab on a desired period of time, the contact column displays a mix between names and email addresses. This is hard to filter and generate graphs.

Do you know if there is a way to dislay ONLY email address in the contact column?


Thank you very much for your help.



Hi there! Cat here from the Front support team 🌻

The Contacts table in the Customer satisfaction report displays the contact name, but defaults to their email address if no name has been stored for the contact record.

If you’d like to see an option to include and sort by the contact’s email address, I’d recommend adding an idea in our Product Ideas Portal where other Front users can vote and comment on the idea!


That’s good to know. 


Thank you very much for your answer Cat.

I’ll drop a ticket and hope this is will done.


Thanks again,

