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I recently had a coworker reach out to me asking if there is a way to create an event directly linked to an email conversation within Front. The coworker was saying that she wants the email to be connected to the event in her calendar.

The closest thing I could think of was to include the conversation ID in the description of the calendar event, but I figured I would also ask the community for insight on this!



Hey Brie! 

Thanks for posting this question. You're correct, there's not a feature in Front that allows you to link a calendar event with a conversation. (Though it's definitely a neat idea, and I recommend submitting it in our Ideas Portal).

Your suggestion is a good one-- pasting the conversation ID in the event title could work. Another option would be to paste the conversation link in the description of the event for an easy click. If you want the linking to go two ways, you could create a link on the conversation that leads to a URL of the calendar event! 

