Hey @Eugene, by “share report,” do you mean to share a screenshot of the filters that people are using in their reports, along with an explanation of what they use the report for? Sort of like sharing a “template” for a report to achieve a specific goal? If so, that’s a great idea and I definitely welcome others to add to this thread with any report filters they’ve built that are essential to them.
If I’m misunderstanding what you mean, let me know!
Hi @helena ,
Yep. Sharing a report template to acheive a specific goal.
Thanks for the response.
Hi Eugene!
Thanks for clarifying. While there’s no option to create or share report templates at the moment, it sounds like it would be a great feature request! I encourage you to add one here, and other teams can upvote it.
Agreed, this would be cool if community members could share reports they had created with one another