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We want to Sort Archived Messages by Date Received, NOT Archived

Being able to have an option to sort Archived Messages by the date the message was originally received would be super helpful.  I don’t see that option existing, but wanted to ask, in case we’re missing it.  If it doesn’t exist, I’ll definitely be putting it in as an Idea for a future feature. 

Hey John! Great question here. The same options to sort messages by time are applied to conversations regardless of open or archived status. You can see the options here. It sounds like the issue you’re running into is that the Archive activity takes precedent over the message time itself when sorting by Newest + Oldest. Is that correct? Feel free to add a feature request if you’d like to see additional options added in the future! :) 

@jessye You’re correct, the Archive Date is taking precedent over the message time itself.  Basically, what we want is equivalent or better Filtering, Arrangement & Sorting options to what we have in Microsoft Outlook.


Sounds like a new Idea is in order

PLEASE add normal date sorting as an option to how messages are treated when moved from the inbox to tags, or to archive, etc. 

It makes absolutely no sense to not be able to have emails sorted by the actual message dates within all views in Front. All of the AI and chatbot features being worked on in the roadmap...and we don’t even have this remarkably basic function. Outrageous.
