What are some of the best tips’ and tricks for users moving from traditional outlook?
Have you checked out these pages? They have a lot of contributions from members about what helped at their companies. If you have any specific follow ups, feel free to reply!
No tricks come to mind but the one tip I can share is take a close look at your font size and type in Outlook and compare it to Front. We spent some time tweaking the appearance of our font in Front since the same font and size in Outlook was very different. Once we established a common font and a size it was set out across the entire team. I think we were using font size 11 with Calibri for Outlook which appears in Front size 16. Now if we could make Calibri our default across the entire system for things like replies, rules and templates that would be great. Front defaults to Sans Serif for everything but some items the defaults can be changed.
Hello- I am just getting started with Front. Having only used Outlook before, I would love some people’s best tips for navigating Front.
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