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Hi I am struggling with changing details on a team member. Could you please assist me?


Owr former COO left the firm so we changed her email address in Microsoft365  to a new email address. Our former COO  is currently added as a team member in Front but I want to edit that user and change it to the new user. how do I do this?

Hey Andres, 

Phoebe with Front’s team here-- when replacing a teammate, we recommend you follow these steps: 

Step 1: Block or delete the old teammate from your Front account

Step 2: Add the new teammate 

This ensures all work performed by the old teammate will continue to be attributed to them. 

We do not recommend changing the old teammate's user login to be the new teammate's, as this would increase confusion in the historical emails, as all actions done by the old teammate would now have the new teammate's name.

If the new COO is already in Front, you may want convert them to be an admin. Any other admin can do this by going to Settings > Teammates > select teammate name > Toggle this setting on: 


Hi Phoebe,


Thank you for the information. If I delete the former COO and keep her license, when I add the new COO will this person be able to view the former COO inbox? we want to keep that information. Is it possible to move any emails from the former COO to a shared inbox? 

Hi there! Cat here from the Front support team.

If you delete a teammate’s account and keep the licence, the account and data will be deleted but this frees up the licence to be used for another teammate’s account. The new teammate would have no access to the previous teammate’s information/inboxes.

I’d recommend taking a look at the following guide to see if you’d like us to convert the old teammate’s inbox into a shared one: If you do, please reach out to our team via
