
Remapping chat from Intercom

  • 8 February 2024
  • 2 replies


For anyone that has transitioned from Intercom to Front Chat, do you have any workflow or implementation lessons learned?

2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi Lorelai,


Not a direct answer to your question since I haven’t done the transition personally, however, here are a couple of best practices I recommend you think through as you start adopting Front Chat.


Organization - Front enables you to create inboxes that house multiple, single, or no channels. Front chat is a channel. If you’re looking to separate your synchronous channels from your async ones, consider having a dedicated inbox just for Front chat vs. consolidating it with other channels in one inbox. Additionally, look into creating bot flows that help your customers get in front of the right team members. 


Prioritization - Since the expectations for synchronous channels are different compared to async ones, consider creating dedicated SLA rules for your Front chat channel. Specifically, think about creating warning mechanisms that alert the assignee and breach mechanism that alert the assignee’s manager or an external system like Slack.


AI Readiness - We’re currently beta testing some awesome AI functionality for chat deflection. Like most other chat systems out there, AI needs to be trained on some data. That’s where Front’s KB comes into play. Consider building out a Front knowledge base - it’ll help accelerate your team’s ability to adopt AI in when the feature becomes more widely available.

That’s all I have for now. Interested to see what others have to say. Hope this helps!

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

@lorelai Andersen already gave some great tips, and another factor I’ll tack on is that you now have the advantage of using the same tagging system across Front Chat & other channels in Front so you’ll now be able to measure and track this additional communication stream to get the whole picture of your customer comms. It may be worth thinking through how you want to classify your chat conversations in a way that it can scale and work with your current email tags implementation. 
