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Anyone know where I can find a Front Consultant?  Front was already in place when I started here about two years ago and has been problematic since day one.  Our Front setup is a hot mess and generates way too many helpdesk tickets for all kinds of different reasons.  I really need someone that can look at our setup, analyze it, suggest and make changes.  I’m an IT Manager but I don’t have the bandwidth to revamp our whole Front setup.  A Google search turned up nothing and Front doesn’t seem to offer such a service that I can tell.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



Hi @quinn_miller! Front doesn’t specifically endorse or recommend consultants, so I don’t have a direct answer here, but we can offer you weekly office hours that are included in your plan so that we can help you sort out your Front account. It’s actually highly beneficial that someone internal understands the going-ons of how your Front account is set up, including the Whys and Hows so that you can continue to evolve your Front use with your business needs. Front is one of those dynamic tools that get deeply embedded in your workflows and business strategy, rather than a one-time setup tool that continues to run unchanged forever. We do hear from companies who hand off their setup to an outside consultant that they’re often times lost once the consultant leaves because they don’t actually understand how Front can continue to help them as their business grows.

So that was a long-winded answer to strongly encourage you or someone from your team who will be managing Front to come to office hours! I’m sure with a few sessions, we can untangle the setup. 

If you’d still strongly prefer to hire professional services, our own team does offer add-on packages for this so I can connect you with the team to learn more if you’d like! 
