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Hello 👋🏻

As someone new to Front I would love to hear any thing that you found difficult during the implementation time period that you wish you had more resources on?


Begin With The End In Mind 

This quote, made famous by Stephen R. Covey and his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is probably the best antidote for many of the implementation challenges we faced.  Having a clear understanding of your workflow and the “End” goal of how to optimize it for maximum customer satisfaction, will give your implementation team the tools need to configure Front for your specific needs.

In our experience as prior Outlook + Teams users, many parts of our workflow were only “documented” as “Tribal Knowlege,” within each functional team.  The process of implementing Front exposed these previously undocumented workflows, redundancies and opportunities for improving efficiency.

The Short AnswerWorkflow Documentation 


@JohnW Wow, super intrigued by the gaps that your move to Front exposed, which is a great thing to happen to allow you to fill them. What was an example of that, especially a redundancy or improvement in efficiency? What were the before/after states? 

More resources on headless CMS integrations.


We’re currently utilizing headless cms due to business decisions, and so far a lot of the tutorials are not focused there especially when we do troubleshoot. I know that majority of the performance issues might be on how our websites was buillt, but it would be nice to have some Front resource material on this one.

@berna Check your PMs!

As our team began our journey on Front, the blank piece of paper problem came up First. Our team is small and many workflows and practices are tribal in nature. Front creates a customizable experience that can fit almost any business structure. Our issue was, what happens when you don’t have an existing structure. What are the best practices, what’s a standard model that can be follow and THEN customized? Our team needed to make some big architecture decisions early on, we wish there were more models on best paths to follow. 

@andydrayage Thanks for this very valuable feedback! It’s definitely on our team’s radar that more content around “Front for ___ teams” is helpful as a starting point that you can tailor. We do have one of these series so far, which is Front for customer support teams, which we find is a pretty flexible starting point for most companies to customize. Check that out and see if it might help, and post any specific workflow questions you run into for our community + Front team to jump in and help with as well!
