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Hi Front Community! Me and a couple of my coworkers have run into a little bit of problem through the inboxes that we are managing using Front. As it stands, I am the primary person that is responsible for managing two inboxes that we have synced to Front. However, two other people in my department (that also have access to the inbox) are having emails auto-assigned to them. We haven’t created any rules or made any changes to auto assign emails to specific people. 

For context, I’m an intern and my two coworkers have requested that I only manually assign emails to them either when something is out of my reach or if I need help with something. Unfortunately, the auto assignment problem that we are having has resulted in longer response times. Because it is a new year, we are trying to fix this issue before everything starts to pick up again. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Hey ​@jripple! I wonder if the reason is due to your teammates writing a reply to an unassigned conversation, which then automatically would assign subsequent replies from the customer to them. This is a feature in the channel settings that you can turn on and off, instructions here.

If that’s not the case and your teammates are being assigned brand new conversations (without first replying to them) when you haven’t set up any automations to assign, then our support team can dig further. Send over a conversation ID example where this happened by clicking the 3 dots at the top of the conversation and copying the conv ID. You can send it to us via our contact form so we can investigate what’s happening!

Hi Helena! Thank you for your quick response and help with getting this issue solved! I’m starting to think that the first idea you brought up might be responsible for the problems that me and my coworkers have been having. I suspect this because my two coworkers started responding to emails in Front before I did. Unfortunately, I don’t have admin access in Front so I will have to ask my boss about this. 
