Help article for setting up SendGrid DNS Records on AWS needs to be updated

  • 25 January 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2

Hey, the AWS Route 53 interface has changed and no longer has a Create Record Set button for creating a record, and instead only has a Create Record button. This can cause confusion to new users setting this up since help article in Front ( shows a screenshot containing the “Create Record Set” button. I was following the help guide so it took me some time to figure out that the AWS interface has changed

3 replies


Hi Alex,


Dean from Front’s support team here 👋


Thanks for reaching out about this, and sharing the details regarding the required updates to our hep centre article. I’m going to loop in the relevant team internally, and we’ll work to get the screenshots to align with current AWS features. 


If anything else comes up, please don’t hesitate to let us know. 


Hi Alex,


I just wanted to follow-up to let you know that we’ve been able to update our Help Centre article based on your feedback. Please see the updated article here: 

Thanks so much for helping us keep our documentation up to date. 

Userlevel 2

Hey @dean_gallagher thats great!! Thanks for the prompt responses and quick action. 
