Email introduction

  • 1 December 2023
  • 2 replies


Hello, everyone. Another email post from me. We are starting to introduce Front to our company. We have a wide variety of users. Some have preferred Outlook, while others have preferred Gmail. Any tips on how to convert them into Front when it’s this diverse? As usual most people don’t like change, but I know Front could be more beneficial for them to use, but just curious to see what has worked, or challenges others have faced when releasing Front within a company. 

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

1. **Demonstration of Benefits**: Host a formal presentation or workshop to showcase the unique features and benefits of Front compared to Outlook and Gmail. Highlight how it can streamline workflows, improve communication, and enhance productivity. Real-time demonstrations of key features can be particularly persuasive.

2. **Gamification**: Introduce a gamification element to the learning process. Set up challenges or milestones for using different features of Front. Rewards can be given for completing these challenges, such as recognition in team meetings, small prizes, or additional privileges.

3. **Peer Champions**: Identify early adopters within your team who can act as Front champions. These individuals can share their positive experiences, tips, and tricks with their colleagues, fostering a peer-to-peer learning environment.

4. **Customized Training Sessions**: Offer training sessions tailored to different roles within your team. This ensures that each member understands how Front can be specifically beneficial in their daily tasks, making the software more relevant and appealing.  Front offers both the Front Academy and live training sessions which are both excellent options.

5. **Feedback Mechanism**: Establish a feedback loop where team members can share their experiences, challenges, and suggestions regarding Front. This not only helps in addressing any issues promptly but also makes the team feel involved in the process. Front’s ‘Discussion’ feature can be used for this.

6. **Integration Demonstrations**: Show how Front integrates seamlessly with other tools and platforms your team is already using. This can alleviate concerns about losing functionality or facing integration challenges.

7. **Success Stories**: Share case studies or testimonials from other companies, especially those in similar industries, who have successfully integrated Front into their operations. This can help in building confidence and illustrating practical benefits.  I’ve myself have reached out to other Front Admins for this very type of content and found my peers in the Admin Discussion Forum more than willing to provide this type of content.

8. **Personalization Opportunities**: Encourage team members to personalize their Front experience. This could be through setting up their own tags, rules, message templates and notifications.  Personalization can increase the software's appeal.

9. **Progress Tracking**: Implement a system to track and share the team's progress in adopting Front. This could include metrics like the number of tasks managed through Front, reduction in email clutter, or improved response times.  Many HRMS (Human Resources Management Systems), like Paylocity, which we use, can support this type of progress tracking.  The Front Academy will help each of your users track their progress through Front’s training.

10. **Ongoing Support**: Ensure that there is ongoing technical and user support available for any questions or issues that arise. This reduces frustration and helps in smoother transition.  The Front Knowledge Base is also a potential place for company-specific guidance on Front’s various features.

Good fortune on turning all your naysayers into Front Champions!  We’re on this same journey and hope to have everyone we’re onboarding to Front converted soon!

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Awesome answer, @JohnW!

There is also a similar discussion here: 

