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Using Events data to determine "Attributed To" analytics metric

  • 30 June 2023
  • 1 reply

We store some event data in our data warehouse which we use to view some Front usage metrics in our BI tool alongside data from our internal database. To simplify & flatten the event data, we are looking to mimic some things found in a Front Analytics events export, particularly the “Attributed To” field. With the event data received through the API, the most comparable fields seem to be the Target Data and Source Data fields. For some events, the teammate that the event can be “Attributed To” is found in Target Data, and others in they are in the Source Data.


I am having trouble figuring out the proper mapping for when to use Target Data fields, Source Data fields, or other fields to create a single “Attributed To” field for each event type. For which event types should we use Target Data or Source Data to figure out the teammate the event is attributed to? Is there a guide available that shows how raw event data can map to Analytics fields?

Hi David! 

Justin here with the support engineering team 👋

Event types and their corresponding source types / target types (if any) can be found here:  

Whenever a “teammate” is the source and/or target type, you should see the teammate ID within that object. 

For example, if a teammate archives a conversation, their ID will show within the source type. No target type will be provided. If a rule has archived the conversation, no teammate ID would be provided in the source data. 

On the other hand, a teammate's ID could be found under both the source and target data for an event where the teammate assigned a conversation to themselves. 

Hopefully this helps clarify and makes the mapping process easier!

