
Sort conversations in Search endpoint

  • 15 April 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi! I'm currently working on a use case within my company where we need to list conversations of a specific recipient, sorted by creation date. While the Search conversations endpoint seems promising and returns the created_at field, the conversations aren't sorted accordingly.


Is there a way to sort conversations by created_at field in Search conversations endpoint? I'm unable to use the List conversations endpoint due to the need to filter conversations by recipient.


Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!


Best answer by molly 15 April 2024, 16:01

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Hi @helpdeskdummy1


Thanks for your question. Currently we don’t have a sort_by parameter available on the Search Conversations endpoint. However, this is a really great idea!

I very strongly encourage you to submit this as feature request to our API team, but adding it here.

As you noticed, we have recently added this option to our List conversations endpoint, so I’m wondering if you can try passing the results of the “Search conversation” endpoint into the “List conversations” endpoint and then use the sort by option. 

I understand this is a bit clunky, but it *should* work. 

Please let us know what you find out!


Front Support

Thank you @molly for your support. I submitted a feature request.
