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I installed Front Chat on my website today, which is great so far, except that it’s exceptionally noisy in the developer console. It announces itself, it announces it’s using something called bugsnap, it spews out a load of SameSite and Partitioned cookie warnings, a few debugging messages from Ably, tells me about “frontChatChannelToken”.

All of this makes real warnings a lot harder to see. What’s going on here? Can I switch off the non-cookie debug messages at all? Is there a “I’m in Production, WTF” flag I can switch on?

Hi Pete,

Glad you’re enjoying Front chat! Some of this information returned in the console helps us debug issues if they occur. We don’t have a way to toggle these messages off, but I would suggest you put in a feature request through our ideas portal and that way you’ll get notified if this becomes an option within Front.

Hope this helps!
