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Programatically connect email channels to Front

  • 1 February 2023
  • 2 replies

As an admin, can I connect O365 email channels (private inboxes, shared inboxes, and distro lists alike) to Front programmatically through the API without touching the Front UI at all?

Use case: a customer is migrating from Gmail to Outlook and making a domain change to all their email addresses, and they’re looking for the best way to reconnect all these channels to Front. If it’s not possible to do this programmatically, will they have to re-connect each channel by hand?

Hi Jack,

You can use the API to connect email channels which use our SMTP forwarding infrastructure (see and for docs).

You can not connect OAuth channels (such as Office365 or Gmail channels) via the API as the external mail provider (Office/Gmail) requires the owner of the address to explicitly grant access to Front via the OAuth process.

Hope that helps!

Hello, the link in Jason’s answer above is dead. Has the document perhaps moved to another location? 
