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I am building a custom channel that handles group mms and I need to either merge conversations or move messages on to a different conversations via API.

For example, a user on front app composes a new message, but we already have a conversations id internally for the participants. We want that message to be added to the conversation id that we had instead of creating a new conversation. I am returning the “thread_ref” with the correct id, but it doesn’t seem to move the message to the original conversation or merge them.


This is the same behavior for native SMS messages (when sending a new sms message via API, a new conversation is initially added, but than the message moves to the correct conversation).



Hi @wesam,

Unfortunately we don’t support moving messages between conversation or merging via the API at present. With this being a custom channel, if you have the ability to look up existing conversations between the channel and sender on receiving these new outbound messages, you could choose to reject the send request and return an error that says something like “A conversation with <recipient> already exists in cnv_123abc”. 

I would encourage you to raise this via our Product ideas portal to see if there is appetite for this kind of feature from other developers. 
