
How can I use template_id when creating a conversation?

  • 8 August 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone.


I don’t see such a parameter here:


It would be useful and crucial for us if we could use it in API.

But maybe I miss something and there is another way to create a conversation using a template?




Best answer by jason 8 August 2023, 17:23

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Hi Roman,

That’s not supported right now, but sure could be useful! I’d suggest sharing this idea via our Product Ideas Portal

In the meantime, you can use the Message Template API to first get the content of a template you wish to use, then insert that message content right into the message you’re sending via API. It adds an extra step over just being able to specify the template ID, but hopefully will satisfy your use case for now.

Hi Jason,

Thank you very much for the answer. It’s a good workaround, perhaps we can use it.
