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I put together a simple TypeScript template app to reliably handle incoming Application Webhook events. It can be deployed to Railway in a couple of clicks.

Where can I try it?

You can install the template here → Application Webhook Receiver

How does it work?

At a high level, there’s an exposed API endpoint which you register with Front as the destination for for your webhook events.

On receipt, various security and validity checks are performed, the event is added to a background processing queue, and the app quickly responds to Front, acknowledging successful receipt. 

You then have a secondary process monitoring the queue, which is where you add your logic to save the events to your own data store, or performing your custom business logic to handle them.

What tech is used?

This is a template which can be deployed on Railway in a couple of clicks. 
The API router and middleware is powered by Hono - a fast, lightweight web framework.
The background job queue uses BullMQ, built on Redis.
Security checks on the received webhook event payloads follow Front’s best practices for verifying data integrity


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