
3 new Front Chat updates: saved flows, Chatbot Analytics, and Reply via email

We’re making it easier to build, measure, and integrate chatbots into your customer support strategy with saved flows, analytics, and a quick transition from chat to email for follow up. Saved flows make building chatbot logic scalable. Instead of recreating the same set of steps multiple times in your chatbot builder, save a series of steps to reuse again and again. When you make changes to a saved flow, they’ll instantly update everywhere it’s being used. Learn more about saved flows here. Chatbot Analytics show chatbot performance with metrics such as:Number of chatbot flows initiated Number of chatbot flows completed Number of chats deflected by chatbot Chatbot deflection rate (%) Chatbot dropoff rate (%) Average chatbot time to completionThese insights help you assess how effective your chatbots are at handling customer inquiries, while identifying areas where you can improve their logic to resolve issues faster.Learn more about chatbot reporting here.And sometimes, inquiries that come through the chat need more follow up later over email. The new option to Reply via email provides a seamless transition to kick off these next steps with an email that’s automatically linked to your chat conversation. Teams can easily close out an abandoned chat or complex inquiry over email and maintain a continuous conversation regardless of channel.Learn more about Reply via email here.

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